My new (geographical) love is the town of Nová Baňa. In addition to Banská Štiavnica it is another beautiful corner of our country I adore. Ján Graus has a perfect hunting cottage there on an extended piece of land with a splendid summerhouse. My cello tried its acoustics and it passed the test. You can judge for yourselves. Both Ján Graus and Juraj Šufliarsky liked it. See you as soon as possible, in Banská Štiavnica, in Nová Baňa or anywhere where music sounds.
The other little concert produced by Ejjart offers besides my playing also a very pleasant ambience of Juraj Šufliarsky’s studio. It is in the centre of the city of Zvolen, in a former small villa, and it emanates diverse kinds of arts. We can look at Juraj’s excellent pictures, we can choose from the CD collection and listen to Miles Davis, Emerson or Stravinsky. In the neighbouring room there are plane model makers, in the next one the club of amateur radio operators, etc. There is always something going on in this house…
And it feels fine to make music here.
Cellomania – DAY OF NICE MUSIC
Watch here the recording of Eugen Prochác and Ján Slávik’s concert which took place in Banská Štiavnica on July 23rd, 2020 in Art Cafe.